Por qué su hijo tiene dificultades para la transición

Las transiciones se producen a lo largo de todo el día. Una transición puede ser de una actividad a otra, pasar del aula al patio de recreo o ir de casa a la escuela. Para algunos niños, las transiciones pueden ser extremadamente difíciles y pueden provocar un aumento de la ansiedad o de las frustraciones e incluso pueden dar lugar a comportamientos desafiantes o agresivos. Entender la dificultad de las transiciones Hay una ...

¿Qué es la CAA y cómo puede ayudar a tu hijo?

¿Qué es la CAA? CAA son las siglas de Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa. La CAA es cualquier dispositivo utilizado para comunicarse que no sea el habla; incluso los mensajes de texto pueden considerarse un dispositivo de CAA. Esta forma de comunicación se utiliza normalmente con niños que son mínimamente verbales o no verbales. Para empezar, primero hay que "ajustar" los dispositivos de comunicación individualizados para ver qué dispositivo ...

Qué esperar de la evaluación diagnóstica

La mayoría de los padres tienen varias preguntas que les rondan por la cabeza sobre lo que pueden esperar durante una evaluación diagnóstica de su hijo. Aunque pueda parecer abrumador, esta evaluación está aquí para ayudar a clarificar y orientar. Esto es lo que puede esperar durante una evaluación diagnóstica para el Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA). Primeros pasos: Entrevista inicial y anamnesis completa Al principio ...

Por qué su hijo repite cosas: Ecolalia

What is echolalia? What does it mean when your child keeps repeating words, phrases or sounds? This is called echolalia. Children may do this when they do not know how to effectively communicate or lack communication skills. Many times, echolalia is used to practice or learn language. Repetitive speech is common for children in their early childhood and also common …

What is a standard intake?

During a diagnostic evaluation, a standard intake is meant to collect and organize information about a client prior to treatment. It is used as a platform for the clinician and client to clearly communicate their concerns. The information gathered during the intake is used to help formulate diagnoses and create individualized treatment plans. In the field of pediatrics, parents and …

What are the early signs of autism?

The signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) vary greatly among individuals of all ages. Some children show signs as early as a few months old while others do not show any obvious signs until age two or three. It is important to remember that every child is unique in their growth and development. Even children who do not have autism …

Diagnostic Evaluation: Learning Disability

It is important to remember children with learning disabilities can have normal or above average IQ tests but do not fully demonstrate that potential on achievement tests. A discrepancy between test scores and IQ scores shows the presence of a learning disability. Why are children referred for a learning disability evaluation? Children who have challenges with learning but do not …

Different Severities of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting different areas of skills needed for a variety of functions. This results in social difficulties and the presence of restricted and/or repetitive behaviors. ASD has replaced what used to be four separate disorders, with the only difference between them being severity. Instead, the use of the word spectrum acknowledges that this …

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

What is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in children? Major depressive disorder is a form of depression characterized by chronic feelings of sadness or loss of interest and pleasure in activities that were previously enjoyable. Signs of Major Depressive Disorder A key sign of major depressive disorder is change in mood. Change in mood is a normal part of a child’s …

Evaluación diagnóstica: Trastornos del estado de ánimo

What is a Mood Disorder? A mood disorder is characterized by emotional disturbances that consist of overly intense and persistent periods of sadness, elation, or both. These periods of intense mood significantly impair a child’s ability to function in everyday life and cause disruption.  Mood vs Emotion The difference between mood and emotion is outward expression. A child’s mood is …