A Speech-Language Pathologist’s Role In a Diagnostic Evaluation

Diagnostic evaluations might include a multidisciplinary team of professionals, as the assessments will look at the child as a whole, not just one skill area. A diagnostic evaluation team could include a team of professionals, such as a developmental pediatric or neuropsychologist, speech-language pathologist (SLP), and occupational therapist (OT). Why consult an SLP?  There are a few reasons as to …

¿Qué áreas evalúa una evaluación diagnóstica pediátrica?

A diagnostic evaluation typically assesses developmental milestones and delays to gain more insights about how children learn best, as well as services or supports that might be beneficial to promote their progress. During the evaluation, the professional who is administering the assessment will use a combination of parent report and child observation to determine the child’s strengths and any areas …

Why Are Intake Forms Important?

At the beginning of the diagnostic evaluation process, parents will often complete intake forms that share background information about their child. Intake forms are important in the treatment process for a variety of reasons. They provide a secure way to collect patient information, provide an easy way to manage client information, ensure client safety, help clinicians become acquainted with a …

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disorder categorized by the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions. A person with OCD experiences uncontrollable, recurring thoughts, and/or behaviors that they feel the urge to repeat. What is an obsession? Obsessions are repeated and unwanted intrusive thoughts, urges, or mental images that cause anxiety or other upsetting feelings. These thoughts, urges, and images may cause …

What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a disorder in which an individual has excessive fear or worry that about various areas that might cause challenges in navigating activities of daily life. Both children and adults can experience GAD. Children with GAD may experience anxiety surrounding their competence in school, performance in sporting events, personal safety, wellbeing of family members, natural disasters, …

What Is a Language Delay?

Speech and language delays occur when a child isn’t developing their language and communication skills at the typical rate. Speech and language delays are a fairly common occurrence in young children in the early stages of their development. Many children who experience a speech or language delay will catch up to a developmentally appropriate level, but sometimes a delay is …

Why Might a Psychologist Recommend Physical Therapy?

Since pediatric neuropsychologists often work on a multidisciplinary team of professionals, they may work with pediatric physical therapists or provide referrals for these services. What is Physical Therapy? Physical therapy helps children to actively participate and function independently in home, school, and community environments. Physical therapists work to help children learn to perform gross motor skills to improve functional mobility …

How can occupational therapy benefit children?

Pediatric neuropsychologists may collaborate with occupational therapists if they feel a child would benefit from these services. If appropriate for a child, there are many benefits of occupational therapy, including increased independence in tasks and participation in daily activities. More specific benefits of occupational therapy include: Sensory regulation: If children experience challenges with sensory processing (i.e., sensory hypersensitivity, sensory hyposensitivity), …

Why Might a Psychologist Recommend Occupational Therapy?

Pediatric neuropsychologists look a many areas of development when conducting a diagnostic evaluation. Based on their findings in the evaluation, they might recommend other therapeutic services, such as occupational therapy. What is occupational therapy? Occupational therapy helps children develop, improve, or maintain skills that allow them to fully participate in meaningful occupations. It might sound funny to that children have …

Why Might a Psychologist Recommend Speech Therapy?

Based on the findings of a diagnostic evaluation, a pediatric neuropsychologist might identify additional services that could be beneficial to support a child’s development. A clinician might recommend speech therapy if they feel a child has challenges in the areas of speech and language. Who provides speech therapy? Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are clinicians who specialize in speech, language, and swallowing …